R. PIERSOL, Professor and Dean of the School
of Music since 1991, joined the FSU music
faculty in 1980 as Associate Dean for Academic
Affairs with responsibility for graduate
studies in music as well as general coordination
of all academic programming. Previously,
Dr. Piersol was Associate Dean of the College
of Musical Arts at Bowling Green State University.
Piersol received the Ph.D. degree from the
University of Iowa, and he has remained
active in research and publication in wind
music. A recipient of the Edwin Franko Goldman
Award from the American Bandmasters Association,
he served as the editor of the Journal of
Band Research from 1982 through 1996. He
has made numerous presentations at regional,
national, and international professional
meetings; and he is a member of the executive
board of the Florida Higher Education Arts
Piersol has served the National Association
of Schools of Music as a presenter at several
national meetings, as the chair of Region
VII and a member of the Board of Directors,
and as Associate Chair of the National Commission
on Accreditation.