BUCHLER, Assistant Professor of Music Theory,
received his Ph.D. from the Eastman School
of Music, a M.M. from the University of
Michigan, and a B.M. from the University
of Cincinnati. Before coming to Florida
State University, he served on the faculties
of Indiana University and the University
of Iowa, where he won a university-wide
teaching award. His recent research focuses
on methods of determining resemblance in
atonal music and on American popular song
from the first half of the twentieth century.
Dr. Buchler has presented his work at numerous
conferences, and he has published articles
in Perspectives of
New Music, In Theory Only, and the Journal
of Music Theory (forthcoming). He has taught
a wide range of graduate and undergraduate
courses in music theory, including Schenkerian
analysis, theory and analysis of atonal
music, and computer programming for music