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Charles E. Brewer
Florida State University
School of Music
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1180
(850) 644-6403

CHARLES E. BREWER, Associate Professor of Musicology, received the B.A. degree from S.U.N.Y. Binghamton with a Certificate in Medieval Studies, the M.A. degree from Columbia University, and the Ph.D. degree from the City University of New York. Specializing in medieval and baroque music, his research has appeared in Muzyka, Studia musicologia, Cantus planus, Musica antiqua Europa orientalis, Historical Performance, Music & Letters, The New Grove Dictionary of Opera, and other specialized publications. He has recently completed the chapter on medieval Latin song and 14th-century French secular song for the Schirmer Performer's Guide to Early Music and is completing a volume of monophonic Latin song for the Notre Dame Conductus: Opera Omnia series.

In addition, Brewer's edition of 17th-century violin sonatas from the Kromeriz archives in Moravia has been published in the series, Recent Researches in Music of the Baroque Era (A-R Editions), and a monograph on the 17th-century instrumental music of East Central Europe is forthcoming from Scolar Press. He has received grants from the University of Alabama, Florida State University, the Fulbright/Hays Commission, the Department of Education, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the International Research and Exchanges Board for research in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, France, Austria, Switzerland and Great Britain.

Dr. Brewer is a member of the American Musicological Society, the Society for Seventeenth-century Music, the International Schütz Society, and the International Musicological Society. Dr. Brewer is currently chair of the American Chapter of the International Heinrich Schütz Society.

School of Music . Florida State University . Tallahassee, FL 32306-1180
Phone (850) 644-3424 . Fax (850) 644-2033 . Contact webmaster
School of Music Florida State University